Hygiene By Frentress Williams III

Personal Hygiene

Well personal care and cleaning is very important to personal hygiene.Personal Hygiene is kinda the main part of hygiene, if you dont take crae of yourself and body your hygiene is going to be messed up and your gonna smell like awet dog on a Thursday.Research says that if you dont take care of your hygiene can lead to you not being to tell if you stink or not and to tell if your smelling sense is ok or not.Also Personal Hygiene is not hard to do just showering and cleaninng your face in the morning is Personal hygiene as well brushing your teeth.

Preventing Disease

You can prevent alot of disease's from Hygiene becuase as you know when you touch somthing you can germs form anything you never know someone could cough or sneeze then touch somthing and germs travel at the speed of light. And washing your hands and taking showers is a good hygiene way to prevent form disease's or flu,cold,heart problems,or what we have know covid is really scare and it is good know to clean and wash overselves so we wont get covid or other diease's.Plus brushing your teeth can also prevent from gum diease and form your teeth falling out.

Emotional And Mental State

It's crazy how important personal hygiene is becuase do you wanna feel good in the morning or afternoon or whenever you wake up its like a stress reliver like when you take a shower and after you just feel clean and you smell good. And also just feel like you wanna go to sleep or if you take a shower and brush your teeth in the morning you feel awake and more energized. And research saids that if your taking a shower in the morning and you first run cold water on yourself then hot water then cold water the rest of time it will wake you up and with have more energy 25-50 percent of the time, and it works actually I have tested that theory.

Pain And Life

Plus praticing Good hygiene skills can help with how you do in life and can relive pain as i said in the last paragraph. When you have good hygiene it can have a big affect on your body and how the immune system works in your body,Like when you play a sport or your working out in you go home in sit and not shower or clean your face or teeth can cause alot of stuff to happen to you and your body, like foot fungus, dry skin, extra skin caught in your feet and also can mess up your backlike chronic pain in your back. But also can can affect your life becuase what if your applying for a job and you come there smelling bad and your teeth are not brushed and your face inst clean, which I know pimple's and scars can appear but you can defeat that with washing your face everyday and washing your hands so when you toch your face it wont scar or get pimples. But if you wanna get a job you have to have good hygiene no one wants someone who smells like a wet dog, or a trash can in their office or station.

Hygiene Routine's

Praticing Good hygiene Routine's can do alot like in the other paragraph's it can can cure stress,heal your body, make you feel good emotional and mentally. And can also keep you smelling good and your body feels much better as in no iching,sweating,change of temperture, just overall makes you feel normal and not to where you thinking about if you stink or not or if your breath stinks becuase good hygiene takes care of all of that. And also good hygiene can help you out in your personal or relationship with a boy or girl because when you feel good you do good thats how I feel about it and pretty sure other people feel the same way.

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Created by Frentress Williams III on October 1,2021



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